Peace - Evermore
"Peace will never come from clutching many things but only from letting go of all but one thing - Jesus.". James is right on the button with that line.
I need to let go of many things in my life and I need to stop flirting with temptation - only then will I begin to truly know the peace of God in my life.
EVERMORE: I know that this book has not exactly been a good read for me but this chapter, in my opinion, stands above all the others as the poorest! Yes, I know that we are the Bride of Christ but the Sleeping Beauty analogy seems to point to the possibility that James ran out of inspiration!
But the quote from Ephesians 3:17-19 rescues the chapter for me. In this earthly life we will never fully understand the love of Christ but when we experience the love of Christ and we are filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God then this fallen world needs to watch out!
I've enjoyed the 'challenge' of trying to keep up my reading and whilst I have not really kept up with the schedule I have made it to the end. I am not a great reader of Christian books and before this one I cannot recall the last one that I read all the way through!
So thank you for encouraging me - must try harder next time - and I look forward to our next read.