Christian Chapter Chat



I 've just spent the last 45 minutes writing on 'Joy & scars' and I do not know what happened but my post has disappeared! When I posted it and viewed it the sentences were all over the place and I tried to edit and repost and it just went off into goodness knows where! Oh boy.

It is Sunday morning - 7.30 UK time and I am going to wake Kriss up with a cup of tea.

I am joyful that it is Sunday once again and the 'scars' of my life will not take that joy away!

Have a great Sunday.


  • Hallelujah! Can you sing that just a wee bit louder, Dave? :)

    I'm sorry you lost your post. I hate it when that happens.

    By Blogger Pilot Mom, at 7:09 PM  

  • Bummer! I would have loved to have read what you wrote. Darn Blogger!!! Grrr.....

    By Blogger HeyJules, at 8:15 AM  

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