Maundy Thursday
(I wrote this for my own blog today, but thought it was relevant for here today, and it looks better in red than green, but its still me)
So its Maundy Thursday, anyone know what that means? It’s the day of the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus.
Pretty heavy day, huh? Personally, its weighing on me a bit. Knowing that death was coming – my Savior’s death. A lot of times, this is the part we miss at Easter – we gloss right over it. We concentrate on the rising, which is the whole basis of our faith, I know. But there is something so intimate about the death – if you let it sink in. Walk past the gruesome torture and mocking voices. Look past the actions and look at the motive.
Jesus gave all He had to you, to me – even knowing if we would take it or not.
Lets go back to the Last Supper. This is what we recounted in Bible study with the youth last night. And they asked if they sat around and joked and had fun. Well, probably. I mean these weren’t the Pharisees just going through the motions. But then again, Jesus and His disciple knew something was going to happen. Jesus, in more detail, Im sure. But I have no doubt that it was hanging in the air. But when you know you don’t have much time left with someone, you tend to take that last bit of time you do have and really see it for what it is, really breathe that person in. How precious the gift of being chosen to share in this moment. Have you ever really put yourself in the position of one of the disciples? Could you see by the candlelight? Could you hear the laughter, or the tears?
Could you taste the wine? Could you smell the fresh bread? Could you feel Jesus’ hand on your arm? Have you ever really thought about it – has your soul ever wept because you knew what was about to happen?
After dinner, they take a little walk out to the Mount of Olives and over to the Garden of Gethsemane. He leaves all the disciples (minus Judas), but three – his inner circle and they go off to pray. And what does Jesus tell them to pray for? Him? No – he tells them to pray for themselves, that they don’t enter temptation. Most people interpret this temptation as sleep which keeps them from praying more. Jesus comes back to them three times and gets on to them for sleeping. Most people think this came as a stern warning, but those are not my thoughts. If you read through all the gospel accounts, you will find that the disciples weren’t sleeping because they were lazy or because they didn’t care. They were tired with grief. They knew IT was coming. Tell me if you’ve ever cried for hours and your body wasn’t worn out…. I think Jesus understood and him asking about their sleep was not a harsh rebuke, but rather, asking saying that the grief wasn’t as important – prayer was what they needed now. After the third time, he tells them that time is up. Their time of trial and temptation, just like His, was about to begin.
And here comes Judas – betrayed by a kiss…. Another intimate gesture…. There are theories about Judas and what he was really trying to do, but it doesn’t really matter as much now – whats done is done
All the disciples flee and leave Jesus to fend for himself – the same disciples who took the same vow of Peter to never leave or deny Jesus. And yet Peter always gets the brunt of everyone’s blame. Even though he and John were the only ones to come back and follow Jesus. In fact, Jesus told Peter earlier that the devil had asked to sift Peter like wheat – Job is the only other person that the Bible mentions that the devil asks permission to go after. Could you stand up to that?
There is much more to the story than that, but that is where will close on the day….
Its Theology Thursday, and there is no question for today. Only a challenge. For the first time in a long time, steal away a few minutes in a “garden” of your own. Read through all the accounts of the Last Supper up to the crucifixion. Don’t read ahead, really stop and take it all in and spend a few days without the immediate happy ending. Read it in the time frame that it really happened and let the sorrow overcome you. Compare the different versions, and see what is mentioned in one and not the others. If you are a Christian, these are the events that lead up to what your entire faith system hangs on. Do you really know what happened? Have you ever really mourned what Jesus went through – what you deserve? Have you ever held Jesus that close as He was dying – seen the blood on YOUR hands?
Today and tonight is full of darkness, mystery, and uncertainty…. It is a day of sorrow and mourning. A day of waiting…
So its Maundy Thursday, anyone know what that means? It’s the day of the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus.
Pretty heavy day, huh? Personally, its weighing on me a bit. Knowing that death was coming – my Savior’s death. A lot of times, this is the part we miss at Easter – we gloss right over it. We concentrate on the rising, which is the whole basis of our faith, I know. But there is something so intimate about the death – if you let it sink in. Walk past the gruesome torture and mocking voices. Look past the actions and look at the motive.
Jesus gave all He had to you, to me – even knowing if we would take it or not.
Lets go back to the Last Supper. This is what we recounted in Bible study with the youth last night. And they asked if they sat around and joked and had fun. Well, probably. I mean these weren’t the Pharisees just going through the motions. But then again, Jesus and His disciple knew something was going to happen. Jesus, in more detail, Im sure. But I have no doubt that it was hanging in the air. But when you know you don’t have much time left with someone, you tend to take that last bit of time you do have and really see it for what it is, really breathe that person in. How precious the gift of being chosen to share in this moment. Have you ever really put yourself in the position of one of the disciples? Could you see by the candlelight? Could you hear the laughter, or the tears?
Could you taste the wine? Could you smell the fresh bread? Could you feel Jesus’ hand on your arm? Have you ever really thought about it – has your soul ever wept because you knew what was about to happen?
After dinner, they take a little walk out to the Mount of Olives and over to the Garden of Gethsemane. He leaves all the disciples (minus Judas), but three – his inner circle and they go off to pray. And what does Jesus tell them to pray for? Him? No – he tells them to pray for themselves, that they don’t enter temptation. Most people interpret this temptation as sleep which keeps them from praying more. Jesus comes back to them three times and gets on to them for sleeping. Most people think this came as a stern warning, but those are not my thoughts. If you read through all the gospel accounts, you will find that the disciples weren’t sleeping because they were lazy or because they didn’t care. They were tired with grief. They knew IT was coming. Tell me if you’ve ever cried for hours and your body wasn’t worn out…. I think Jesus understood and him asking about their sleep was not a harsh rebuke, but rather, asking saying that the grief wasn’t as important – prayer was what they needed now. After the third time, he tells them that time is up. Their time of trial and temptation, just like His, was about to begin.
And here comes Judas – betrayed by a kiss…. Another intimate gesture…. There are theories about Judas and what he was really trying to do, but it doesn’t really matter as much now – whats done is done
All the disciples flee and leave Jesus to fend for himself – the same disciples who took the same vow of Peter to never leave or deny Jesus. And yet Peter always gets the brunt of everyone’s blame. Even though he and John were the only ones to come back and follow Jesus. In fact, Jesus told Peter earlier that the devil had asked to sift Peter like wheat – Job is the only other person that the Bible mentions that the devil asks permission to go after. Could you stand up to that?
There is much more to the story than that, but that is where will close on the day….
Its Theology Thursday, and there is no question for today. Only a challenge. For the first time in a long time, steal away a few minutes in a “garden” of your own. Read through all the accounts of the Last Supper up to the crucifixion. Don’t read ahead, really stop and take it all in and spend a few days without the immediate happy ending. Read it in the time frame that it really happened and let the sorrow overcome you. Compare the different versions, and see what is mentioned in one and not the others. If you are a Christian, these are the events that lead up to what your entire faith system hangs on. Do you really know what happened? Have you ever really mourned what Jesus went through – what you deserve? Have you ever held Jesus that close as He was dying – seen the blood on YOUR hands?
Today and tonight is full of darkness, mystery, and uncertainty…. It is a day of sorrow and mourning. A day of waiting…
Great piece, Addie!
Yes, I need to do this again but I did do it back in April of last year. I had just been saved from certain death myself and someone suggested it was time I watched "The Passion of the Christ."
I had to stop the film three different times because I was overcome with weeping.
Last night's service at church was based on this day in history and we ended the service in a quiet song that praised His name and then were instructed to leave the building without speaking. Just let it weigh on you. Let it sink in. Feel the grief, if you will.
And so it goes...
I'm sure tomorrow will be even more emotional. I'll be leaving work midday to go to church to walk our Stations of the Cross that everyone contributed to. I can't wait to see what's in store and how I will react to it. Hope I remember to take kleenex.
HeyJules, at 11:43 AM
Jules, is there anyway you could take a camera in there - you know without it being distractful to others and all... I would love to see what this looks like b/c our church doesnt do this and I find it really interesting....
dangermama, at 11:47 AM
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