Instructive Moment About Mercy
"The world would be a wasteland" say Gire, without the river of mercy. Yet on our planet there are still many wastelands. Our Western lifestyle not only allows them, it promotes them. Our American Dream is realized at the expense of everyone we exploit to achieve it. Half of us don't know the half of what we do to exploit others... it's covered up, given a fresh spin, justified with all the same excuses the banquet host was given. We are too busy buying and selling, celebrating our blessedness to look around at the wilderness of poverty in our own back yards. Our mercy trickles like a leaky water faucet. God may break the pipes and make it gush when we least expect it...
Excellent thoughts, CJ!
"... celebrating our blessedness to look around at the wilderness of poverty in our own back yards." Isn't that the truth! I drove by a house the other day and I did a double take because of all the outdoor recreational equipment they had stored there. I truly could not believe it! My first thought was, "Well, one can tell what is important to them." I did try not to be judgmental but I do think I failed as I looked at their yard and home...*sigh*
Pilot Mom, at 11:08 AM
I know what you mean, Claire and CJ. I have neighbors who have three cars, a camper and a boat all in their driveway and the inside of their house (where they actually live) is in horrible shape...and they are raising two small kids. Wonder what's going into a college fund? Wonder what's going to their church? Wonder, wonder, wonder...
HeyJules, at 11:39 AM
I think we all have problems judging people, but I think it becomes a bigger problem when we write those people off b/c of what we *think of them.
dangermama, at 12:17 PM
Oh, I don't write them...after all, one cannot expect Christian behavior out of unbelievers. Ridiculous to think so.
Pilot Mom, at 12:41 PM
Okay, this is the second time I've heard you say that, Claire. What exactly do you mean? Is it a saying you were taught to explain evil in the world? (NOT a confrontation... a desire to understand.)
I have known a lot of non-Christians who behave in more compassionate ways than any Christian I ever met. And I do expect everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike to behave as human beings... unless they are mentally ill. Then get them to a psych ward...
Claire Joy, at 1:39 PM
Well, it is true CJ that we find some unbelievers who do "Christian" things, like, show compassion, help someone out, etc. But, on the whole, most unbelievers will think first of themselves before doing something for could be that by showing compassion, it will make them look good, earn them brownie points, something like that. I shouldn't EXPECT them to behave as Christ commands us to behave. There are some out there who may, but their heart attitude would most likely not be what the Lord would be couldn't be, since He hasn't moved in there.
Of course, there are many Christians who do not act like they are Christians either. And, for all I know, they may not be...since I can't read their heart, only God can.
Does this explain it a little better? I would never think you are confronting me, CJ! So ask away!!! :D
Pilot Mom, at 2:19 PM
I think I know what you two are saying. I have friends that might "know" God but who aren't actively seeking a relationship with Him and who don't really give him that second thought (kind of like I used to be.) But even back then, I did show compassion and I did put other people's needs ahead of my own - at least most of the time.
However, I thought nothing of women who had abortions or of say a woman who killed an abusive husband. I just thought it was up to them to live with those consequences. Now I think from this side of the coin I better see why that is not the answer to a problem. In other words, I expect a Christian woman to take a long hard look at her desire to have an abortion but I don't necessarily expect that of a non-christian woman. This is why even though I am pro-choice, I am against abortion. I know there are two sets of "rules" for people in this world and I wouldn't want non-christians telling me how I had to live my life and so I choose not to tell them how they have to live theirs. I would surely explain my viewpoint and try to get them to see the big picture or find a way to get to a different conclusion BUT it is THEIR choice. As I see it, it is OUR job (as Christians) to save the people who need saving so that they make more Christ like decisions in their lives. if we saved the PEOPLE, we wouldn't have to worry about saving the BABIES. The babies would automatically - say it with me - already be safe.
We keep trying to push people into living their lives the "right" way when they don't understand why this way is the "right" way. We will take the time to stand in front of the clinics but we won't go out in the communities and counsel young girls on why they shouldn't be having sex in the first place.
Okay...and Claire thought SHE was rambling...I'll stop here. Probably should have just done a post!
HeyJules, at 3:09 PM
Excellent, Jules!
Pilot Mom, at 8:33 PM
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