An Instructive Moment about God's Kingdom (Luke 13:10-21)
A mustard seed. Something so tiny becoming something so large. Do you know that it took 725-760 mustard seeds to weigh a gram (28 grams equal one ounce)? Can you now envision better just how small that is? Yet, within weeks it becomes the largest of all garden plants. It reaches a height of 12-15 feet in a few weeks.
What a contrast of the insignificant, even enigmatic beginning of God's kingdom, embodied in the presence of Jesus, to the greatness of the end result which will be established at His Second Coming when it will surpass all the earth's kindgoms in power and glory!
Do we think we are insignificant? Do we feel like we have no purpose? That God can't use us? I'm telling you that we do have importance to God. If a person doesn't know Him personally, then He is accutely aware of your need. But, for those of us who do know Him, He has great things planned for us. You and me. Ephesians 2:10, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that would walk in them." We are God's workmanship (work of art, masterpiece). Our salvation is something only God can do. It is His powerful, creative work in us. If God considers us His works of art, we dare not treat ourselves or others with disrespect or as inferior work.
From the mustard seed, Christ moves on to the parable of the yeast in the dough. I love how Gire describes it, "It starts with a little lump of grace hidden within us. And slowly, silently, it permeates our life, lifts it, transforms it." He goes on, "It worked that way for a tax collector in the temple courtyard. And for a prostitute on the street corner. And for this bent-over woman in the synagogue."
To be honest, I don't know if I have ever pondered this parable in this light. So often I have heard of the yeast likened to sin...which can insiduously work in the same way in one's life; slowly, silently, permeating our life. For me to ponder on this in the reverse was quite refreshing.
I like how Gire pointed out that Jesus didn't set out to make a "political" agenda but was content to "plant the tiniest of seeds in the unlikeliest soil, to hide a lump of grace in the life of a nobody." Ladies, those "nobodies" are now somebodies as in you and me.
I cannot think that just because I stay home and don't work outside of my home, I cannot have an impact on the world around me. I most assuredly can. Every single person I come in contact with I can share Christ with them. Verbally? Sometimes, but more often than not it will be in my actions, a smile, a helping hand, a listening ear. The grace which God poured out in me should be like pouring tea into a cup and letting it overflow. It should spill out all around me, touching each person I come in contact with. It may not seem like much. I know when I met Christ personally, November 6, 1972 at 11:30 at night, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be where I am today, be the person He has fashioned me into, having shared Him with countless people...some of whom I won't know about until I go home to heaven. All because of a little bit of grace.... Can any good come out of Nazareth? (John 1:46) Only the very BEST!!!!
What a contrast of the insignificant, even enigmatic beginning of God's kingdom, embodied in the presence of Jesus, to the greatness of the end result which will be established at His Second Coming when it will surpass all the earth's kindgoms in power and glory!
Do we think we are insignificant? Do we feel like we have no purpose? That God can't use us? I'm telling you that we do have importance to God. If a person doesn't know Him personally, then He is accutely aware of your need. But, for those of us who do know Him, He has great things planned for us. You and me. Ephesians 2:10, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that would walk in them." We are God's workmanship (work of art, masterpiece). Our salvation is something only God can do. It is His powerful, creative work in us. If God considers us His works of art, we dare not treat ourselves or others with disrespect or as inferior work.
From the mustard seed, Christ moves on to the parable of the yeast in the dough. I love how Gire describes it, "It starts with a little lump of grace hidden within us. And slowly, silently, it permeates our life, lifts it, transforms it." He goes on, "It worked that way for a tax collector in the temple courtyard. And for a prostitute on the street corner. And for this bent-over woman in the synagogue."
To be honest, I don't know if I have ever pondered this parable in this light. So often I have heard of the yeast likened to sin...which can insiduously work in the same way in one's life; slowly, silently, permeating our life. For me to ponder on this in the reverse was quite refreshing.
I like how Gire pointed out that Jesus didn't set out to make a "political" agenda but was content to "plant the tiniest of seeds in the unlikeliest soil, to hide a lump of grace in the life of a nobody." Ladies, those "nobodies" are now somebodies as in you and me.
I cannot think that just because I stay home and don't work outside of my home, I cannot have an impact on the world around me. I most assuredly can. Every single person I come in contact with I can share Christ with them. Verbally? Sometimes, but more often than not it will be in my actions, a smile, a helping hand, a listening ear. The grace which God poured out in me should be like pouring tea into a cup and letting it overflow. It should spill out all around me, touching each person I come in contact with. It may not seem like much. I know when I met Christ personally, November 6, 1972 at 11:30 at night, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be where I am today, be the person He has fashioned me into, having shared Him with countless people...some of whom I won't know about until I go home to heaven. All because of a little bit of grace.... Can any good come out of Nazareth? (John 1:46) Only the very BEST!!!!
Claire, I love that you know the exact time that you first met God - I thought I was the only one that remembered stuff like that! That's so cool...
I also love where you wrote:
"If God considers us His works of art, we dare not treat ourselves or others with disrespect or as inferior work."
Oooohhh, that's the hard part, isn't it? We're so imperfect in OUR eyes yet so perfect in His. Think He'd be up to loaning us His glasses???
HeyJules, at 8:21 AM
I have often thought about the mustard seed analogy and what it means... I inherited a piece of "junk jewelry" from my mom that is one of my most treasured things - its a necklace, but the pendant is a mustard seed in a tiny globe - it made it so much more relevant to actually be able to see the size and compare it to the faith needed....
just rambling
dangermama, at 10:20 AM
I've seen those necklaces, Addie. The globe actually magnifies the seed. Amazing, isn't it?
Thanks, Jules. I'm afraid He doesn't need glasses...what I wouldn't take for a pair of eyes like His...then on the other hand, maybe not. That may just be too scary.
Pilot Mom, at 11:33 AM
Claire, that is amazing. I have no clue when I first met God. Was I sleeping?
Claire Joy, at 12:52 PM
CJ, I bet you know the month and year. Don't you? I can't imagine meeting Him personally and being able to forget it! :)
Pilot Mom, at 1:35 PM
Actually I'm being totally honest. I was a little kid... God (or one of His angels) would play with me. As a teen I knew I had a guardian angel because I could look back and see the evidence. As an adult I spent several months in conversation (lucid dreaming) with a being I can only describe as an angel. I didn't see this creature but I heard his words in my head. Okay, does that mean I'm certifiable?
Claire Joy, at 1:48 PM
Yes. You are.
Certifiably a Christian that is...
HeyJules, at 1:52 PM
And, is there a point in time, CJ, as an adult, that you consciously remember putting Him on the throne and removing yourself from the throne? Well, actually, it could have been as a child, too....not that one has to be an adult...
What I'm asking is, during those conversations you had, did you ever give yourself over totally to the Lord?
Pilot Mom, at 2:14 PM
thats really cool, CJ.... I dont remember when I was saved exactly either - all I remember was 2nd grade, my teacher and how I felt.... I rededicated my life in high school though, but still no exact dates... oh well...
dangermama, at 3:34 PM
Okay... yes... there was such a time, now that I think of it. But I don't remember the month or the year. It was when I lived in Jacksonville, before I moved to New York, and I was single. (So it was between 1990 and 1995.)
It went like this: I had a dream... and in my dream it was the evening before Christ's last battle with Satan. The city was wrecked... looked like an aftermath of an apocalypse... (or a Mad Max movie). I walked into a bar and noticed Jesus was sitting off by himself, drinking a beer. I walked over to the table and asked if he minded if I sat down. He said go ahead. I offered to buy him a beer, and making small talk I said "Well, tomorrow's your big day I guess, huh?" He looked me straight in the eye. (The kind of look Gire talks about.) "It's not that simple." he said. "What do you mean? You know you're gonna win... it says so in the Bible." He smiled one of those mysterious secret smiles and sighed. "No, that's not the way it works. You know... I could loose." I laughed a little, nervously. "Well, that certainly changes the perspective." He looked at me that way again. "So," He said, "the only question is: are you for me or against me?" I thought about it. An embarrassingly long time. Then I said... "Oh hell, I've been for you all this time, I see no reason to change my mind now."
And then I woke up. I may have written it down in my journal because I remember all the details vividly. But I knew that morning that something had changed dramatically in the relationship I had with Him.
Claire Joy, at 3:48 PM
CJ - you just made me spit diet coke out my nose! You sat down and bought Jesus a beer? OMG I am ROLLING here!
The best part of all this is that he KNEW this is how he would be able to get to you and he used that very tactic. I LOVE him!
HeyJules, at 3:53 PM
Oh Jules, I'm sorry! (I hate when that happens) I don't tell this story to many. You can probably figure out why.
Claire Joy, at 4:03 PM
CJ, there's your moment!
Addie, that happens a lot with children, I think. It did with our son. He didn't remember the moment when he was 4 but in high school he rededicated his life to the Lord at a Phil Driscoll concert. When he was in college you could really tell he had made it his own faith---not just hanging on our coat tails. :)
I only tried to get this on yesterday afternoon about 5 tiems. I just gave up until today.
Pilot Mom, at 1:08 PM
Well Claire, we appreciate you coming back and posting it. Better late than never my friend!
HeyJules, at 1:16 PM
Hey Jules, did you like my French? tiems? It is supposed to be times. :) Lol!
Pilot Mom, at 1:43 PM
There are days I wonder if I am not just a bit dyslexic. I really didn't notice. LOL
HeyJules, at 1:46 PM
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