An Instructive Moment About God's Kingdom
I didnt get as much out of this lesson as I was hoping - I guess b/c its a continuation of a story that I did get something out of....
the one phrase that did make me stop for a minute was the last line of the prayer. "how invisibly the yeast works, yet how transforming is its power"
I want to be the yeast - the influence that forces people around me to rise up...
I think this is one of the best descriptions of Christianity, at least to me, because I think so many people get confused by the "Christians" who are loud and out there and in your face. Its always the ones that are living their lives righteously and proclaiming their faith through their deeds much more loudly than their words that seem to make the biggest difference. I think its because they dont have to convince people by yelling what their lives are all about - its quite evident. That is who I want to be.
the one phrase that did make me stop for a minute was the last line of the prayer. "how invisibly the yeast works, yet how transforming is its power"
I want to be the yeast - the influence that forces people around me to rise up...
I think this is one of the best descriptions of Christianity, at least to me, because I think so many people get confused by the "Christians" who are loud and out there and in your face. Its always the ones that are living their lives righteously and proclaiming their faith through their deeds much more loudly than their words that seem to make the biggest difference. I think its because they dont have to convince people by yelling what their lives are all about - its quite evident. That is who I want to be.
You've hit on one of those obvious, yet so often ignored truths... it's not the talk about Jesus, it's the walk with him. Thank you.
Claire Joy, at 9:16 AM
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Claire Joy, at 9:16 AM
Amen to CJ's comment. I wrote about this once. I visited another church once and came back wanting to know what all the screaming was about. Do men really think that yelling inspires people to walk closer to God? Hmmm....
Probably why I like my pastor so much. He never gets louder to make a point - but quieter instead. Makes you lean in and really listen. And then, when he gets that hitch in his voice because he knows what he's saying is life changing...then I get all choked up!
As for you being the yeast...have a gander down at the bottom of my post, young lady.
HeyJules, at 9:55 AM
ahhh - jules, I laughed when I read your post after I had posted mine....
dangermama, at 10:21 AM
I'm with you Addie! I think each one of us desires that, which is good. It shows where our hearts are centered...
I didn't think I was going to get too much out of this one, yet, I got all stirred up when I read about the yeast.
Pilot Mom, at 11:36 AM
You got stirred up?!? pun intended??? LOL
Claire Joy, at 12:49 PM
ROFLOL! Funny, CJ! Yes, I did!!!
Pilot Mom, at 1:36 PM
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