An Intense Moment in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-52)
Can you imagine not knowing where your child is for three days? I don't really know if one can totally grasp the nightmare this would be if one doesn't have or has never had children. The anguish you would experience would be like no other. But, I was encouraged as I read this passage and looked at it from a different perspective.
I saw established priorities of living life in this passage. As I read I could see two people who had established godly priorities and sought to obey God's Word.
Gire draws out the role of Jesus' parents in rearing him as a youngster. I can remember looking at our son and thinking, "I cannot imagine having a child who does not sin!" As much as I may have desired that, in reality, I think I would have been petrified. I've always thought that children really enable parents to learn humility. :) Mary and Joseph were faithful to make this trip to Jerusalem. They were observant Jews. The fact that Jesus was interested in interacting with the religious teachers of the day shows that his spiritual training had been instituted by his parents. They had been careful to nurture that area of his life.
To me, Mary and Joseph were a couple who nurtured hearts of humility in themselves. Why do I think that? Well, because they had established godly priorities for their lives from the beginning. God was first in their lives and God was all in their lives. Both of them were godly singles who became a godly couple, who then became godly parents. So this whole scene shared in Scripture just shows them living by the godly priorities and focus they had maintained all their lives.
So, partly because of Jesus' training in the home (humanly speaking) he developed a greater understanding and knowledge of his Father in Heaven. Verse 49, if I am not mistaken, would be the first recorded words of the Messiah. Even at the age of 12 it shows he was deeply conscious of the unique relation between Himself and His Father in heaven.
Looking ahead, from Mary's perspective, I catch just a glimpse of the next 20 years of her life. But, at the end, I would say her established priorities enabled her to sustain herself through the probable death of her Joseph, through the ridicule that must have continued over her Son's conception and birth, and through those days leading up to when she stood at the foot of the Cross. My question to myself is what are my priorities by which I'm living my life? Are they based on obedience to God's Word? Or do I need to spend some time 'adjusting' my priorities?
Every child thrives in a godly home and I see it no different for Jesus! Surely Mary's home was built on love and around biblical principles regarding childrearing. I think Joseph and Mary provided a fairly normal home. His mom was a stay at home mother. His father was a carpenter and taught Jesus to be a carpenter. Luke 2:51 is the last reference made to Joseph in the Bible. How much more important would it be for Jesus to rely on His Heavenly Father?
Back to the temple. I do see Jesus obeying his parents. He subjected himself to his earthly mother and father. He subjected to the law handed down by his heavenly Father. He returned with them to Nazareth.
So I'm back to the basics. If Christ, Himself, was obedient, not only to His own parents but to His heavenly Father, how much more important is it for me to be obedient?
Just a little "extra" I picked up someplace....
I saw established priorities of living life in this passage. As I read I could see two people who had established godly priorities and sought to obey God's Word.
Gire draws out the role of Jesus' parents in rearing him as a youngster. I can remember looking at our son and thinking, "I cannot imagine having a child who does not sin!" As much as I may have desired that, in reality, I think I would have been petrified. I've always thought that children really enable parents to learn humility. :) Mary and Joseph were faithful to make this trip to Jerusalem. They were observant Jews. The fact that Jesus was interested in interacting with the religious teachers of the day shows that his spiritual training had been instituted by his parents. They had been careful to nurture that area of his life.
To me, Mary and Joseph were a couple who nurtured hearts of humility in themselves. Why do I think that? Well, because they had established godly priorities for their lives from the beginning. God was first in their lives and God was all in their lives. Both of them were godly singles who became a godly couple, who then became godly parents. So this whole scene shared in Scripture just shows them living by the godly priorities and focus they had maintained all their lives.
So, partly because of Jesus' training in the home (humanly speaking) he developed a greater understanding and knowledge of his Father in Heaven. Verse 49, if I am not mistaken, would be the first recorded words of the Messiah. Even at the age of 12 it shows he was deeply conscious of the unique relation between Himself and His Father in heaven.
Looking ahead, from Mary's perspective, I catch just a glimpse of the next 20 years of her life. But, at the end, I would say her established priorities enabled her to sustain herself through the probable death of her Joseph, through the ridicule that must have continued over her Son's conception and birth, and through those days leading up to when she stood at the foot of the Cross. My question to myself is what are my priorities by which I'm living my life? Are they based on obedience to God's Word? Or do I need to spend some time 'adjusting' my priorities?
Every child thrives in a godly home and I see it no different for Jesus! Surely Mary's home was built on love and around biblical principles regarding childrearing. I think Joseph and Mary provided a fairly normal home. His mom was a stay at home mother. His father was a carpenter and taught Jesus to be a carpenter. Luke 2:51 is the last reference made to Joseph in the Bible. How much more important would it be for Jesus to rely on His Heavenly Father?
Back to the temple. I do see Jesus obeying his parents. He subjected himself to his earthly mother and father. He subjected to the law handed down by his heavenly Father. He returned with them to Nazareth.
So I'm back to the basics. If Christ, Himself, was obedient, not only to His own parents but to His heavenly Father, how much more important is it for me to be obedient?
Just a little "extra" I picked up someplace....
H onor the Lord in your home
O on your role as a homemaker
M ake your house a home
E stablish lasting family memories
good points, I never even thought about how Mary and Joseph must have reared Jesus up until this point
dangermama, at 1:19 PM
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