Insightful Moment at the Temple Courtyard
This was an interesting chapter for me. I've just come out of a two day silent retreat in a little shack next to the woods. (When you're alone and silent for long hours at a time, things shift... perspective changes.) As I read Gire's prayer, the beginning resonates. There are fewer things that bother me now. I don't feel so strongly moved by the things I believe. But Gire twists this into a negative for himself, says he feels guilty about his compromises and his failures.
I'm pretty much over guilt. Maybe because I enjoyed so much of its pain in my younger years... half built an identity on it. Been there, done that. I'm moving on... into joy and gratitude these days. For me that's a good thing.
I'm confused by his assertion that Jesus turned the tables in the temple twice. I didn't know that. He did? I thought it was the same story told by different gospelers. Am I wrong here? Claire?
I'm pretty much over guilt. Maybe because I enjoyed so much of its pain in my younger years... half built an identity on it. Been there, done that. I'm moving on... into joy and gratitude these days. For me that's a good thing.
I'm confused by his assertion that Jesus turned the tables in the temple twice. I didn't know that. He did? I thought it was the same story told by different gospelers. Am I wrong here? Claire?
My understanding, CJ, is there are two cleansings. John recorded a cleansing of the temple at the beginning of Jesus' ministry whereas the three Synoptics recorded a temple cleansing toward the end of His public ministry (Matt 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-16; Luke 10:45-46). Probably there were two cleansings, for there are differences in the narrations. John was undoubtedly aware of the Synoptics, and he supplemented them. The first cleansing caught the people by surprise. The second cleansing, about three years later, was on the immediate causes of His death (cf. Mark 11:15-18). Hope this helps to clear up the confusion...
Pilot Mom, at 9:18 AM
I wondered about that too. CLAIRE? WHERE ARE YOU? :-)
HeyJules, at 9:19 AM
I'm here. I just haven't had time to post. I'm running late, overslept, we have a mtg going on here at the house right now with a contracter and I'm still trying to get presentable. ACK! MONDAY!
I'll post shortly.
Pilot Mom, at 11:17 AM
It's okay! Go do your thing. We'll be here all day.
HeyJules, at 11:27 AM
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