An Intimate Moment with a Hemorrhaging Woman (Mark 5:24-34)
I see three distinct parts to this passage dealing with the hemorrhaging woman and actually us, as sinners.
At the beginning in verses 25 and 26 it states very clearly the condition of the woman. I also see the condition of the sinner. First, the woman is helpless...she could do nothing herself. Likewise, we as a sinner,before Christ,was helpless and we could do nothing to save ourselves. Her condition was hopeless, just as our condition was hopeless. Compare this to our spiritual condition...this woman reached out to Christ, as we must also.
Then move on down into the next several verses and look at the compassion of the Savior. Everywhere He goes He attracts the hurting. He alleviates the pain (vs. 29). And yet, He assures the sinner.
Verse 29 states, "Immediately the flow of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction." Compare this woman's healing to our immediate and complete release from our sin when we put our faith in Christ. Eternal life doesn't come gradually but is immediate!
I love how the disciples question Jesus about His asking, "Who touched Me?" They are amazed with all those people pressing in on Him how He could know of one person individually. It reminds me that even though Gayla is occupying His time right now, 24/7, He is still meeting me and my concerns 24/7, and CJ's 24/7, Jules 24/7 and Addie 24/7. He deals with each of us at the same time individually. Jesus knew who touched Him. Power did not leave Him without His knowledge and will. However, He exercised it only at the Father's bidding (Mark 13:32). Jesus asked the question, "Who touched me?" for the woman's benefit. His desire was to establish that personal relationship with the healed woman so there could be no talk of quasi-magical notions at work. He is more than a healer...He's the Savior and a Friend.
She came forward and confessed. She was the only person at that time who understood Jesus' question. I love how He calls her "Daughter." It is the only place in the New Testament He uses this term of endearment. It signifies her new relationship with Him. He then tells her that her faith has made her "whole." It wasn't because she touched His clothes. She experienced spiritual healing as well as physical healing.
In verse 34 Christ says, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your affliction." The word "healed" is literally "has saved or delivered you" in that it caused her to seek healing from Jesus. Faith, confident trust, derives its value not from the one who expresses it, but from the object in which it rests.
At the beginning in verses 25 and 26 it states very clearly the condition of the woman. I also see the condition of the sinner. First, the woman is helpless...she could do nothing herself. Likewise, we as a sinner,before Christ,was helpless and we could do nothing to save ourselves. Her condition was hopeless, just as our condition was hopeless. Compare this to our spiritual condition...this woman reached out to Christ, as we must also.
Then move on down into the next several verses and look at the compassion of the Savior. Everywhere He goes He attracts the hurting. He alleviates the pain (vs. 29). And yet, He assures the sinner.
Verse 29 states, "Immediately the flow of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction." Compare this woman's healing to our immediate and complete release from our sin when we put our faith in Christ. Eternal life doesn't come gradually but is immediate!
I love how the disciples question Jesus about His asking, "Who touched Me?" They are amazed with all those people pressing in on Him how He could know of one person individually. It reminds me that even though Gayla is occupying His time right now, 24/7, He is still meeting me and my concerns 24/7, and CJ's 24/7, Jules 24/7 and Addie 24/7. He deals with each of us at the same time individually. Jesus knew who touched Him. Power did not leave Him without His knowledge and will. However, He exercised it only at the Father's bidding (Mark 13:32). Jesus asked the question, "Who touched me?" for the woman's benefit. His desire was to establish that personal relationship with the healed woman so there could be no talk of quasi-magical notions at work. He is more than a healer...He's the Savior and a Friend.
She came forward and confessed. She was the only person at that time who understood Jesus' question. I love how He calls her "Daughter." It is the only place in the New Testament He uses this term of endearment. It signifies her new relationship with Him. He then tells her that her faith has made her "whole." It wasn't because she touched His clothes. She experienced spiritual healing as well as physical healing.
In verse 34 Christ says, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your affliction." The word "healed" is literally "has saved or delivered you" in that it caused her to seek healing from Jesus. Faith, confident trust, derives its value not from the one who expresses it, but from the object in which it rests.
I love the the "daughter" part - I didnt even realize that....
dangermama, at 12:05 PM
I loved the way you compared all us sinners to this particular woman. I think subconsciously I got a sense of it, but I wasn't able to put it into words, so THANK YOU!
I also love that he called her daughter!
HeyJules, at 12:40 PM
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