An Incredible Moment in a Storm (Mark 4:35-41)
I find it interesting that they called Him Teacher (Greek for the Hebrew Rabbi) when they truly had no clue, no understanding at this point of His teaching. Jesus wakes and "rebuked" (lit., "ordered") the wind and then said to the waves, "Be silent! Be muzzled and remain so!" What intrigues me is the verb, "be muzzled," because it is kind of a 'technical' term for dispossessing a demon of his power (look at Mark 1:25). Maybe Jesus recognized demonic powers behind the ferocious storm. We don't know, but we do know that with His command the wind stopped and the lake was completely calm.
In my mind, I would think the disciples felt they had good reason to be fearful. They truly felt they were going to die during the storm. Yet Christ rebuked them for being afraid. Not just any fear...they had 'cowardly fear.' It is a fear that immobilized them.
Now, look back at Mark 4:11 and then read the verse right before this passage, Mark 4:34. Christ had been teaching them, explaining "the mystery of the kingdom of God," and "He was explaining everything privately to His own disciples." We are talking 'private tutor' here, ladies. I know I learn better in a very small group where I can ask questions etc rather than a large group. But after all of His teaching they did not grasp that God's authority and power were present in Jesus!!! Which led to Christ's second question, "Do you still have no faith?" By Christ stilling the storm He was doing something only God had the authority to do. Regardless, if I saw a man controlling nature with nothing but His voice I would be terrified too. I believe the verb for "terrified" is "have awe." It forces one to take action. If I understand correctly, it refers to a reverence that overtakes a person in the presence of supernatural power (kind of like when the women fled the tomb after the angel spoke to them). Even with all the disciples did know, and with all they had seen already, they still did not fully comprehend the significance of it all, hence, the question, "Who is this?"
How do I make application in my life? I see three principles when we go through the storms of life.
- Look at His example a) His fatigue b) His faith
- Listen to His encouragement which is in His power. Be a spectator of the power of God working.
- Learn from His exhortation a) fear b) faith
So often our own nature meets a storm where we feel God can't or won't work. Now, that is a lie. When we truly understand who God is we will realize that He controls both the storms of nature and whatever storm may be brewing within our human hearts. No matter what our anxiety is there are only two responses for us. You can turn toward Christ, trusting Him to calm the troubled seas of your life or you can panic and turn away from the Lord to go it on your own. I'll guarantee, if you take the second choice of going it alone, the outcome will not be as good as if you had turned to Him. Guaranteed!
God is sovereign. He controls the history of the world along with our personal destinies. He can certainly calm any storm we may face.
Not sure I understand your first example, Claire... " a) His fatigue and b) His faith" When I'm fatigued is when my faith falters the most. or was that your point?
Claire Joy, at 12:24 PM
I kind of thought that she meant that even Jesus gets worn out sometimes, we dont always have to put on a brace face for everyone, but then I dont know... what did you mean, Claire?
I liked how you brought up that they called Him 'Teacher'... interesting, since right above this story it talks about Jesus teaching parables and then explaining them to His disciples... that would make me weary as well... ha
dangermama, at 12:33 PM
Even in the midst of His fatigue He was able to sleep, and sleep soundly. His faith was/is grounded in His Father...does that make more sense?
Pilot Mom, at 12:57 PM
completely... cool, how we always get something different out of everything... :)
dangermama, at 1:35 PM
Well I'd say this is a fantastic explanation and that I'd never seen anything like it but I'm pretty sure it matches up with what you told me in the email you sent me just last week. : )
You make me smile, Claire.
And you are right - once I turned back my attention to God instead of panicking, it all became calm again. Funny how that happens, isn't it?
HeyJules, at 4:26 PM
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