Intimate Moment with a Possessed Man
One thing that strikes me is that the intimate moment was not with the possessed man, but with the demons who possessed him. They are the ones who talked with Jesus, knew who he was, pleaded with him for their salvation. We aren't told what happened to them once the pigs were dead, but apparently they thought it better than the fate they expected.
Gire asks How many lives went unchanged, how many sick went unhealed... because a herd of swine was more valuable than a human soul? Good question. Every time I've read this story I've wondered... who paid for those pigs? This was a business, a very lucratative business. Not everyone in the land had a health concern that pork was unclean. Meat is hard to come by, and pig meat is delicious. On the one hand, the practical dollars and sense hand, I can understand the people asking him to leave. In fact, it's to their credit that they don't try to stone him for ruining their economy.
On the other hand, a whole herd of swine went over the cliff to their deaths because Jesus took pity on the demons.What does this say to all the people who believe Satan will be crushed into oblivian on the last day? If Jesus, the son of the Most High God, had pity on the demons, how much more will our heavenly Father take pity on the most high guardian of evil? But most of us don't like to think along those lines. No, evil must be stomped out, ground down, obiterated from the world so we can all live happily ever after.
I'm not so sure, myself. There are many things I'm not sure about. Gire's prayer mentions the powers of this dark world. Is our world really dark? Or do those powers fool us into thinking it is? We have followed blindly down a path that says matter is bad and spirit is good, when in fact, God made it all (matter and spirit) and saw that it was good.
I have no answers for these questions. But I find the party line's answers lacking when they point to destruction of anything of God's creation.
Gire asks How many lives went unchanged, how many sick went unhealed... because a herd of swine was more valuable than a human soul? Good question. Every time I've read this story I've wondered... who paid for those pigs? This was a business, a very lucratative business. Not everyone in the land had a health concern that pork was unclean. Meat is hard to come by, and pig meat is delicious. On the one hand, the practical dollars and sense hand, I can understand the people asking him to leave. In fact, it's to their credit that they don't try to stone him for ruining their economy.
On the other hand, a whole herd of swine went over the cliff to their deaths because Jesus took pity on the demons.What does this say to all the people who believe Satan will be crushed into oblivian on the last day? If Jesus, the son of the Most High God, had pity on the demons, how much more will our heavenly Father take pity on the most high guardian of evil? But most of us don't like to think along those lines. No, evil must be stomped out, ground down, obiterated from the world so we can all live happily ever after.
I'm not so sure, myself. There are many things I'm not sure about. Gire's prayer mentions the powers of this dark world. Is our world really dark? Or do those powers fool us into thinking it is? We have followed blindly down a path that says matter is bad and spirit is good, when in fact, God made it all (matter and spirit) and saw that it was good.
I have no answers for these questions. But I find the party line's answers lacking when they point to destruction of anything of God's creation.
CJ, I really like how you look outside the box and question everything. I keep thinking about my pastor telling me never to take anything he tells me at face value - that I should question, think about, ponder over, and pray about everything so I can see the truth from my own point and not from his or someone elses.
I like how you do this, too. So often I think of catholics as being so sure and set in their ways - rarely questioning (at least not out loud!) and I like that you don't fall the way the party tells you. You really have enlightened me that not all catholics just look to the pope for an answer and then stop their journey right there.
HeyJules, at 9:21 AM
Maybe that's because I'm not Catholic. I'm an Episcopal Sister... (you know, the ones with the gay Bishop) However, there are certainly Catholics who question... the blogosphere is FULL of them.
Claire Joy, at 9:31 AM
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Claire Joy, at 9:32 AM
interesting thoughts, although Im not sure I agree with you about having mercy on Satan - I think thats explained well in Revelation for me, personally.... but I am with Julie and do love how you think outside the box...
dangermama, at 11:02 AM
Interesting...I, too, thought you were Catholic. *grin* Go figure! :)
If the people had seen the bigger picture (who Christ was and what He had done for this man) I bet things would have worked out for good. At the very least, the loss of money would not have been an issue. But, since they chose to reject Christ and His message they missed out.
Pilot Mom, at 12:07 PM
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