An Incredible Moment with the Five Thousand
It's the prayer that really sank this lesson in for me today. There were several points in it that resonated with me.
"I confess that I sometimes feel inadequate to meet the crowd of needs that surrounds me."
Oh lord, isn't that the truth? Out of money at times. Out of energy at others. The list of things that need to be done and that need to be paid for can be quite intimidating. It's funny, though - I always seem to get the most important things done and the rest just seems to go away after awhile. Hmmm...
"Give me the faith to realize that you will bless what I give, no matter how small the loaves or how few the fish."
This was one of the biggest lessons for me so far. Giving more to get more. I just didn't believe it was real - but it is. I doubled the amount I was giving to the church starting in January and instead of finding myself short each month, I always seem to have just about enough. Funny how that works...
"Take my coarsely ground life and the small skills that accompany it. Take them into your hands, Lord. Bless them. Multiply them. Use them for your glory..."
Last year I felt on fire with all my writing - like I couldn't do enough of it fast enough to satisfy Him. This year I feel like He's taken the cork off the champagne bottle and now I'm waiting for the bubbles to rise to the top and overflow again. He let me write enough to take the pressure off and now I'm getting in the groove of letting it just flow from Him to me...
"Help me to realize You are the true bread of life."
This will be the biggest lesson for me this year, I think. Finding a way to change my long ingrained habit of looking to God for support and sustenance instead of filling myself endlessly with FOOD. I'm trying to lay the foundation by developing my prayer life to be a natural and thoughtless process so I begin to do just that - turn to God for what I need instead of things like food and drink.
So, there were lots of things to think about in this lesson and actually I was kind of surprised by that. I always thought it was just about some fish and some bread!
"I confess that I sometimes feel inadequate to meet the crowd of needs that surrounds me."
Oh lord, isn't that the truth? Out of money at times. Out of energy at others. The list of things that need to be done and that need to be paid for can be quite intimidating. It's funny, though - I always seem to get the most important things done and the rest just seems to go away after awhile. Hmmm...
"Give me the faith to realize that you will bless what I give, no matter how small the loaves or how few the fish."
This was one of the biggest lessons for me so far. Giving more to get more. I just didn't believe it was real - but it is. I doubled the amount I was giving to the church starting in January and instead of finding myself short each month, I always seem to have just about enough. Funny how that works...
"Take my coarsely ground life and the small skills that accompany it. Take them into your hands, Lord. Bless them. Multiply them. Use them for your glory..."
Last year I felt on fire with all my writing - like I couldn't do enough of it fast enough to satisfy Him. This year I feel like He's taken the cork off the champagne bottle and now I'm waiting for the bubbles to rise to the top and overflow again. He let me write enough to take the pressure off and now I'm getting in the groove of letting it just flow from Him to me...
"Help me to realize You are the true bread of life."
This will be the biggest lesson for me this year, I think. Finding a way to change my long ingrained habit of looking to God for support and sustenance instead of filling myself endlessly with FOOD. I'm trying to lay the foundation by developing my prayer life to be a natural and thoughtless process so I begin to do just that - turn to God for what I need instead of things like food and drink.
So, there were lots of things to think about in this lesson and actually I was kind of surprised by that. I always thought it was just about some fish and some bread!
I love your analogy of the champagne bottle. I had that exact same experience when I was confirmed (in my early 20's) and started writing Christian folk songs... couldn't get the words down on paper fast enough. That went on for several months until finally tapering off.
Claire Joy, at 8:07 AM
Isn't it neat how He is sufficient for ALL the areas of our life? That's exciting about doubling your giving! And, how He stretches your time to be able to get the "important" things done. And, the feeding, or should I say, Feasting...on Him rather than food! You've come a long way, sistah!!! :)
Pilot Mom, at 10:46 AM
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