Intense Moment in the Desert
Here's what blows my mind about this moment: I remember reading The Last Temptation of Christ by Nikos Kazantzakis and then later seeing the movie. In this scene Satan comes to Jesus in the form of a serpent, one of the desert dwellers. It's a powerful image and scary. (To spend all that time with no food and then be scared out of my wits by a snake would be about the last straw for me.) Yet Jesus keeps his wits as well as his faith, turning every temptation upside down with Scriptural references. So this time the snake leaves, but we know he's coming back... and as I imagine it, so did Jesus.
When would the master of lies strike again? I wonder if that thought nagged Jesus in the back of his mind everytime he was doing his father's work. When he fed the five thousand, was Satan waiting to say "Gotcha!" When he rebuked the demons, would Satan tell him "My property...keep out" When he walked on water... would he be ridiculed for showing off? Or did he just accept that this too was part and parsel of the job he was chosen to do, and never gave it a second thought from when or where the final blow would come? He was truly human. He had bad days too. Did this threat nag him at all?
When would the master of lies strike again? I wonder if that thought nagged Jesus in the back of his mind everytime he was doing his father's work. When he fed the five thousand, was Satan waiting to say "Gotcha!" When he rebuked the demons, would Satan tell him "My property...keep out" When he walked on water... would he be ridiculed for showing off? Or did he just accept that this too was part and parsel of the job he was chosen to do, and never gave it a second thought from when or where the final blow would come? He was truly human. He had bad days too. Did this threat nag him at all?
You know, CJ, I don't think He ever gave satan too much thought. Just like we shouldn't give him too much thought. Be prepared, yes. But if we are really focused on Christ then satan shouldn't really enter in to our thoughts...does that make sense? I believe Christ focused so much on His Father's will that satan was insignificant until satan actually made a strike. That's my take on it. However, what you have shared is intrigueing and I'll mull over it some more this afternoon as I'm our running errands. :)
Pilot Mom, at 2:14 PM
very interesting thoughts, CJ, and if it were me, I probably would be thinking about when satan would return - although I suppose Jesus could have confidence in the fact that He had already defeated satan once...
dangermama, at 3:01 PM
I was wondering the same thing but I was also wondering if Jesus could "tell" when satan was near and about to strike? Did he have an actual physical response to satan being near him? Could he sense that he was coming for Him or did He get any special warning from God at any time? I would think that even in the form of a man, His GODness would be able to sense when satan was coming for him or one of his disciples.
HeyJules, at 5:53 PM
Well he certainly was aware of what Judas was up to. Good thought, Jules.
Claire Joy, at 10:11 AM
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