Christian Chapter Chat



"John got it. He finally understood. He believed."

I think the first time I got it...really got it was watching a cartoon version of Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I was only young but I still remember clearly how I could barely stand to watch as Aslan was being put to death. After all that, it absolutely stunned and amazed me when he came back to life.


  • How great!!! I'm so glad you remember it so well.

    I'm glad we both have "got it", along with John! I look forward to fellowshipping with you in heaven, Andrea!

    By Blogger Pilot Mom, at 12:55 AM  

  • It is amazing how you can hear the story a hundred times and just clicks. Mine was watching "Passion of the Christ."

    If you ask me, there's a little bit of Stephen Spielberg in God. Her sure does love to use the movies to draw people to him!

    By Blogger HeyJules, at 7:52 AM  

  • Heaven is going to be amazing! I think of how much relationships are such a joy now....I can't wait Pilot Mom!

    HeyJules - do you mean a little bit of God in Stephen Spielberg? *grin* For certain, there's no creative endeavor that doesn't originate with the Creator. I haven't had the nerve to watch "Passion of the Christ". I've read graphic accounts that have been all I could handle. But it is so true that visual pictures have a way of drawing us into the 'Story'.

    By Blogger Andrea, at 3:29 PM  

  • Yes, Andrea, I do! LOL It was just funny to picture God with a megaphone and a ball cap belching out orders. I got tickled and wrote it wrong. :-)

    By Blogger HeyJules, at 3:45 PM  

  • Not wrong - just upside down on purpose - 'cause it IS a funny picture :-)

    By Blogger Andrea, at 7:12 PM  

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