So far this has been my favorite chapter.... I relate to it on such a personal level. And oftentimes Ive had all the same thoughts that James offers here.
Why are we such slaves to sin, and even moreso the world? Why is it so appetizing to us to try to please ourselves and others when we KNOW that it never works. It almost doesnt make sense, does it? We know that God is the only one that can fill the void, and yet, we dont do the things we know He would enjoy most. We dont spend time with Him or give Him the things He deserves from us. We overeat, overspend, overindulge, etc..... why?
God has taken the chains off and yet.... we keep going back to the garbage, fishing them out, putting them back on, and walking around with them like some kind of new fashion accessory. And then after awhile, we get tired of them, and ask God to take them off again.... such a crazy, vicious cycle.
You know, I talk to people about what the afterlife and the 2nd coming is going to be like and how we think its going to be. And its really scary that what scares alot of people the most is typically the same thing. Specifically, I recall a conversation with a friend of mine. We were talking about Revelation and the final judgment, and how we would be accountable for all the sins in our lifetime. And what was her biggest fear about the whole thing? It was that everyone else would see all her sins and she would be so ashamed.... and when I wanted to talk about how it would affect her to have Jesus/God see all her sins - no, that didnt matter - it was everyone else seeing them that would have her so embarrassed.... makes me so sad to think that it would matter more even in the afterlife of what people were thinking of you then to be compared to a most Holy God and to not even give it a second thought....
This is why I most look forward to Lent and this 30 Days to Nothing experiment. It forces me to be accountable and really think about my actions and why I do the things I dont want to do (as even Paul admits to). Hopefully, it can help me change and grow closer to the image of Christ, so that I will be less ashamed to stand next to Him when that day comes.
Why are we such slaves to sin, and even moreso the world? Why is it so appetizing to us to try to please ourselves and others when we KNOW that it never works. It almost doesnt make sense, does it? We know that God is the only one that can fill the void, and yet, we dont do the things we know He would enjoy most. We dont spend time with Him or give Him the things He deserves from us. We overeat, overspend, overindulge, etc..... why?
God has taken the chains off and yet.... we keep going back to the garbage, fishing them out, putting them back on, and walking around with them like some kind of new fashion accessory. And then after awhile, we get tired of them, and ask God to take them off again.... such a crazy, vicious cycle.
You know, I talk to people about what the afterlife and the 2nd coming is going to be like and how we think its going to be. And its really scary that what scares alot of people the most is typically the same thing. Specifically, I recall a conversation with a friend of mine. We were talking about Revelation and the final judgment, and how we would be accountable for all the sins in our lifetime. And what was her biggest fear about the whole thing? It was that everyone else would see all her sins and she would be so ashamed.... and when I wanted to talk about how it would affect her to have Jesus/God see all her sins - no, that didnt matter - it was everyone else seeing them that would have her so embarrassed.... makes me so sad to think that it would matter more even in the afterlife of what people were thinking of you then to be compared to a most Holy God and to not even give it a second thought....
This is why I most look forward to Lent and this 30 Days to Nothing experiment. It forces me to be accountable and really think about my actions and why I do the things I dont want to do (as even Paul admits to). Hopefully, it can help me change and grow closer to the image of Christ, so that I will be less ashamed to stand next to Him when that day comes.
"God has taken the chains off and yet.... we keep going back to the garbage, fishing them out, putting them back on, and walking around with them like some kind of new fashion accessory. And then after awhile, we get tired of them, and ask God to take them off again.... such a crazy, vicious cycle."
I LOVE this! It is so true!
But it's the part about being ashamed in the afterlife that got me on this post. That is EXACTLY how I feel when I think about what judgment day might be like. And you know why I think that is? Because I think we assume God has seen and heard it all so He won't be shocked at us like our friends and family will! We are such crazy mixed up creatures that sometimes I wonder why He bothers with us!!!
HeyJules, at 11:48 AM
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