An Incredible Moment with Lazarus
This story was just part of our Sunday School lesson on Sunday about prayer, and it was about the person who brought Jesus the message of Lazarus' sickness....
I think, for me, the most intriguing part of the story are Martha's words, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask." Then Jesus tells her, "Your brother will rise again." And then she answers him back, "I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."
I am puzzled by the part of "But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask" - to me, it sounds like she is asking Jesus to bring Lazarus back, what else would she want Jesus to ask God for, but when Jesus tells her this is what He has planned, she doesnt seem to understand.... she seems to have the faith when it comes to the words, but not her heart (oh how I relate)
next we see Mary, I find it interesting that the only place we ever see Mary is at Jesus' feet - listening, washing his feet with perfume, and now grieving.... how I wish I could relate to Mary more on this point
and then we have Jesus crying... Gire makes it out to be like he was mourning Lazurus' death, and I suppose He could have been... but more than for Lazarus' death, I think Jesus was crying for the rest of the people left - at their unbelief and their grief... when you love someone, it is hard not to be moved by their pain, even if you know that it will end in joy.... I have a hard time going to funerals or hospitals myself b/c even if I barely know the people grieving, it just knocks me off my feet every time.... I think Jesus cried more than the Bible reveals, and I do think like Gire that it is amazing that my God would cry... how tender and loving must this Diety be....
I think, for me, the most intriguing part of the story are Martha's words, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask." Then Jesus tells her, "Your brother will rise again." And then she answers him back, "I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."
I am puzzled by the part of "But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask" - to me, it sounds like she is asking Jesus to bring Lazarus back, what else would she want Jesus to ask God for, but when Jesus tells her this is what He has planned, she doesnt seem to understand.... she seems to have the faith when it comes to the words, but not her heart (oh how I relate)
next we see Mary, I find it interesting that the only place we ever see Mary is at Jesus' feet - listening, washing his feet with perfume, and now grieving.... how I wish I could relate to Mary more on this point
and then we have Jesus crying... Gire makes it out to be like he was mourning Lazurus' death, and I suppose He could have been... but more than for Lazarus' death, I think Jesus was crying for the rest of the people left - at their unbelief and their grief... when you love someone, it is hard not to be moved by their pain, even if you know that it will end in joy.... I have a hard time going to funerals or hospitals myself b/c even if I barely know the people grieving, it just knocks me off my feet every time.... I think Jesus cried more than the Bible reveals, and I do think like Gire that it is amazing that my God would cry... how tender and loving must this Diety be....
Addie, like you I desire to be more like Mary. We practically wrote the very same thing! How cool is that? :)
Pilot Mom, at 7:56 AM
ha - yes, I thought the same thing when I read yours....
dangermama, at 8:10 AM
Good point about Martha, Addie. I didn't really catch that, but I remember reading it and thinking I missed something...
It's hard to picture Jesus (God) crying but it's not hard to picture Jesus (man) crying. He came to earth to experience life as any man would and grieving or crying is certainly part of that life. But yes, as a person who tries not to keep God in a box, it is still hard to think he sobs for us.
HeyJules, at 9:46 AM
I'm with you on going to funerals and being broken up. It is especially hard on me when I know that person died unsaved. Oh how I grieve! Probably tons more than if I knew they were saved. Like with Gayla and her mom....oh yes, I'm grieving for Gayla but the difference with just the thought of being reunited at some point is so joyous compared to not not seeing the other person because they were unsaved. That's almost more than I can bear!
Pilot Mom, at 11:53 AM
This is so interesting to me. I haven't had to go to a funeral since I got saved so I am wondering how I'll react about the ones where the people die unsaved.
Before, I just always figured we'd see each other again and I got through it. Hmm...
HeyJules, at 12:36 PM
hmmm...when I am in the presence of someone in grief or hurting, its almost like I take on their pain and hurt, its uncontrollable... even if I know they are saved and I can rejoice in that
dangermama, at 1:04 PM
I understand Addie, you go farther than sympathy by being empathetic with them.
Pilot Mom, at 2:02 PM
See, I'm the exact opposite. I see someone grieving and I go into 'mother' mode. I make sure they have kleenex, take the kids to the potty, set the food out...
I have very rarely even lost it at a grandfather's was probably the worst. I got all the way to the end of the graveside service and I gave the coffin a smack so he would know I was there (long story) and the second my hand came off the coffin I totally fell apart. I've NEVER bawled like that in front of so many people in my entire life and it still mortifies me that I did it then. We're talking ugly cry here, ladies...the kind where people get up leave because they have no idea what to do with you.
HeyJules, at 3:02 PM
As painful as your empathy is at times, I believe it is a gift from God... to be developed and used.
Claire Joy, at 8:47 AM
wow, Jules... I have done that on many occasions as well (well, I start off crying)
yes, CJ, I do believe it is almost as if the Holy Spirit just comes over me b/c it is a very physical feeling along with the emotional one... I know not to wear any make-up and not have anything planned for a few hours afterward b/c it will take that long for the redness/splotchiness to wear off
dangermama, at 9:09 AM
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