An Insightful Moment at Bethesda (John 5:1-19)
After the Lord's first two miracles which were somewhat private in nature, this miracle was not only public but it was also performed on the Sabbath Day. This really is where the official persecution really began. I see in this drama rich meaning.
There were two pools at Bethesda which were adjacent to each other where people would come for healing. I find it very interesting that it was located next to the Sheep Gate (Nehemiah 3:1; 12:39) and Christ is the Lamb of God. I don't know if that is significant in any way but it is interesting. This whole miracle illustrated what Christ said on ahead in verse 24...the power of His Word and the gift of life.
Can you imagine remaining in one place for 38 years hoping that someone would reach out and help him?John describes some of the different conditions of the people there as sick, blind, lame and withered. Doesn't that just describe sin and the havoc it has wrecked on our world? Also, I wonder if there is any correlation between the man's condition which he had for 38 years and the Jewish nation having wandered for 38 years (Deut. 2:14). It can be said spiritually speaking that Israel was a nation of impotent people, waiting helplessly for something to happen.
One of the first things that jumped out to me is when Jesus asked the man, "do you wish to get well?" Now, if it was me I think I would have been so excited I would be hard pressed to contain my "YES!!!" in some sort of respectful enthusiasm. But this man began to give excuses! It seems like his will was as parlayzed as his body.
Christ healed him through the power of His spoken word. He commanded him to do the very thing he was unable to do. However, in His command was the power to fulfill. The cure was immediate. I wonder why Christ didn't heal all of them rather just the one man. On any given day there could be two people and one sees his need for Christ while the other still does not. Who can know the mind of God?
The only "problem" with this miracle was that Christ performed it on the Sabbath. Christ did all things for a reason. In this case, He wanted to get the attention of the religious leaders. The religious leaders could not rejoice at the wonderful deliverance of this man but rather all they could find to do was to condemn him for carrying his bed which broke the law.
I was also intrigued by the fact that the man did not know who Jesus was. There isn't any evidence that I can see in the verses showing that the man believed on Christ and was converted but we cannot say that he was totally opposed to Him either. It wasn't until he saw Christ at the temple did he know who it was who healed him.
The Lord's words suggest that the man's physical plight had been the result of sin; but Jesus did not say that the man's sins had been forgiven as He had done with the paralytic. It is possible to experience a miracle and still not be saved and go to heaven. Wouldn't that be dreadful?
Christ deliberately challenged the legalistic traditions of the scribes and Pharisees. They had taken the Sabbath which was God's gift to man and transformed it into a virtual prison of regulations and restrictions. I love how Jesus responded to them when they began their accusations. He tells them that, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working." God's Sabbath rest had been broken by man's sin (Gen 3), and ever since then, God has been seeking lost sinners and saving them, every day of the week!! Also, by Christ saying "My Father, rather than "Our Father," He equated Himself with God. Talk about tempers flaring!
This really is where the persecution begins that will culminate in His death. The penalty for blasphemy was death. Jesus made Himself equal with God because He is God!! The Jewish leaders could not disprove His claims so they sought to destroy Him and get Him out of the way.
Instead of Christ denying the leaders accusations He endorsed it. If it was a sin to heal a man on the Sabbath, then that could only mean that God the Father was sinning because, as I see it, The Father and the Son worked together, doing the same deeds in the same way.
When Christ came to earth He set aside His glory and the independent exercise of His divine attributes. He submitted Himself in everything to the Father. If it was important for Christ to do this, how much more important is it for me?
Oh, if only the religious leaders had known their own Scriptures, they would have recognized their Redeemer; but they were spiritually blind. May we never close our eyes to what Christ is doing in us and through us. My desire is for Christ to be able to 'whisper' my name and I would respond immediately rather than having Him to tap me on my shoulder or, worse, take a 2x4 to get my attention.
There were two pools at Bethesda which were adjacent to each other where people would come for healing. I find it very interesting that it was located next to the Sheep Gate (Nehemiah 3:1; 12:39) and Christ is the Lamb of God. I don't know if that is significant in any way but it is interesting. This whole miracle illustrated what Christ said on ahead in verse 24...the power of His Word and the gift of life.
Can you imagine remaining in one place for 38 years hoping that someone would reach out and help him?John describes some of the different conditions of the people there as sick, blind, lame and withered. Doesn't that just describe sin and the havoc it has wrecked on our world? Also, I wonder if there is any correlation between the man's condition which he had for 38 years and the Jewish nation having wandered for 38 years (Deut. 2:14). It can be said spiritually speaking that Israel was a nation of impotent people, waiting helplessly for something to happen.
One of the first things that jumped out to me is when Jesus asked the man, "do you wish to get well?" Now, if it was me I think I would have been so excited I would be hard pressed to contain my "YES!!!" in some sort of respectful enthusiasm. But this man began to give excuses! It seems like his will was as parlayzed as his body.
Christ healed him through the power of His spoken word. He commanded him to do the very thing he was unable to do. However, in His command was the power to fulfill. The cure was immediate. I wonder why Christ didn't heal all of them rather just the one man. On any given day there could be two people and one sees his need for Christ while the other still does not. Who can know the mind of God?
The only "problem" with this miracle was that Christ performed it on the Sabbath. Christ did all things for a reason. In this case, He wanted to get the attention of the religious leaders. The religious leaders could not rejoice at the wonderful deliverance of this man but rather all they could find to do was to condemn him for carrying his bed which broke the law.
I was also intrigued by the fact that the man did not know who Jesus was. There isn't any evidence that I can see in the verses showing that the man believed on Christ and was converted but we cannot say that he was totally opposed to Him either. It wasn't until he saw Christ at the temple did he know who it was who healed him.
The Lord's words suggest that the man's physical plight had been the result of sin; but Jesus did not say that the man's sins had been forgiven as He had done with the paralytic. It is possible to experience a miracle and still not be saved and go to heaven. Wouldn't that be dreadful?
Christ deliberately challenged the legalistic traditions of the scribes and Pharisees. They had taken the Sabbath which was God's gift to man and transformed it into a virtual prison of regulations and restrictions. I love how Jesus responded to them when they began their accusations. He tells them that, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working." God's Sabbath rest had been broken by man's sin (Gen 3), and ever since then, God has been seeking lost sinners and saving them, every day of the week!! Also, by Christ saying "My Father, rather than "Our Father," He equated Himself with God. Talk about tempers flaring!
This really is where the persecution begins that will culminate in His death. The penalty for blasphemy was death. Jesus made Himself equal with God because He is God!! The Jewish leaders could not disprove His claims so they sought to destroy Him and get Him out of the way.
Instead of Christ denying the leaders accusations He endorsed it. If it was a sin to heal a man on the Sabbath, then that could only mean that God the Father was sinning because, as I see it, The Father and the Son worked together, doing the same deeds in the same way.
When Christ came to earth He set aside His glory and the independent exercise of His divine attributes. He submitted Himself in everything to the Father. If it was important for Christ to do this, how much more important is it for me?
Oh, if only the religious leaders had known their own Scriptures, they would have recognized their Redeemer; but they were spiritually blind. May we never close our eyes to what Christ is doing in us and through us. My desire is for Christ to be able to 'whisper' my name and I would respond immediately rather than having Him to tap me on my shoulder or, worse, take a 2x4 to get my attention.
Hey! No making fun of holy 2 x 4's! That seems to be God's choice way of dealing with me these past few months. : )
Great post, Claire.
"It is possible to experience a miracle and still not be saved and go to heaven. Wouldn't that be dreadful?"
We were just discussing this point in church yesterday. Pastor was talking about how people tend to get upset that "bad things happen to good people." He pointed out that "good things happen to bad people" too and that's called GRACE. God gives it to those who deserve it and those who don't because witnessing grace in anyone's life proves that God exists.
I had NEVER thought of it that way before.
HeyJules, at 7:59 AM
What an interesting correlation with the "Sheep Gate" and with the thirty-eight years of wandering..."a nation of impotent people, waiting helplessly for something to happen" great analagy!
Claire Joy, at 9:47 AM
I am intrigued by the thought of physical healing without any spiritual healing - I wonder now if that is what Jesus was talking about when He came and found him in the temple...
dangermama, at 10:34 AM
CJ, I don't know that I would have picked up on the 38 years if I hadn't just read that section of Scripture the other day. When I did read it, it just popped up so clear to me...
Jules, I have had MORE than my share of 2 x 4's in my life, sad to say!
Isn't it neat Jules, when spiritual discussions tie in with other areas of our lives? I love those God moments where He verifies each other's thoughts!
Addie, I'm pretty sure it was...personally, from the Scriptures, it doesn't look like he ever wised up....but that is my opinion....I guess we won't really know for sure until we there!
Pilot Mom, at 11:40 AM
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