"Jesus didnt want a fan club. He wanted a spiritual revolution."
This is what I feel alot of the Christian community gets hung up on... especially being involved on the youth level. It seems that too many "Christian" organizations out there are too concerned with being cool or recruiting the masses rather than digging into the Truth. We, as youth leaders, are told that the way to a better youth group is to not push them too hard, and look as much like the world as possible. I hate this message - Ive always hated this message.
Once the "church" quits trying to copycat the world, then yes, I dont doubt we are going to lose members (notice I didnt say believers).... but increasing members only waters down the church. Im not saying that we dont need to reach out - yes, that is a goal, but to just increase the quantity instead of teaching the quality - thats terrible.
This is what I feel alot of the Christian community gets hung up on... especially being involved on the youth level. It seems that too many "Christian" organizations out there are too concerned with being cool or recruiting the masses rather than digging into the Truth. We, as youth leaders, are told that the way to a better youth group is to not push them too hard, and look as much like the world as possible. I hate this message - Ive always hated this message.
Once the "church" quits trying to copycat the world, then yes, I dont doubt we are going to lose members (notice I didnt say believers).... but increasing members only waters down the church. Im not saying that we dont need to reach out - yes, that is a goal, but to just increase the quantity instead of teaching the quality - thats terrible.
Anonymous, at 3:32 PM
Oops! Don't know what happened.
Anyway.......Preach it girl! I couldn't agree with you more.
There is a megachurch that we pass on the way to our church. On the side of the building, there's a huge sign that says:
Underneath that are some dates. Obviously they're advertising for who knows what, and they want to draw people in. It's disgusting, actually.
Lesson for the church and the bride of Christ: Quit trying to look like the world. We're in it, not of it.
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM
I so agree with both of you! Addie, my hat is off to both you and your husband for desiring to reach the young people who do desire to dig deeper and really make a commitment in their walk with Christ.
You just keep preaching it and the ones who stay on are going to be ever so grateful to you both!! And, you will be glad to stand before the Lord, knowing that you did what was pleasing to Him and not to the world!
Pilot Mom, at 4:27 PM
hmmmm -did someone mess with my post b/c part of it is missing?
dangermama, at 4:53 PM
I can't say that I have because I came home and saw you had posted and then made my comment. I wonder what happened? It's my understanding that the goblins don't come out until October. ;)
Pilot Mom, at 5:13 PM
Wasn't me. :)
As far as I can tell, we can only edit the posts that are our own.
Who knows? Blogger has been very persnickety lately.
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM
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