Christian Chapter Chat


So Sorry...

Folks, I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to give y'all up.

Right now there are so many things going on that I barely have time to breathe, much less read and blog about it. I'm sorry. I can't keep up. Being the stubborn person I am I kept trying, but now is the time to stop.

I wish you all the best as you continue to learn more and more about God in this great book. I'll be reading it and this blog when I can...between breaths. :0)

Blessings to you all,



  • Well, I will certainly miss you, Chris, but I can definitely identify with having a busy life! I'm just glad I've gotten to know you and will keep checking in to your blog. :)

    Let's not be strangers, 'k?

    By Blogger Pilot Mom, at 11:26 PM  

  • Boo hoo! I hope it lightens soon or is at least stimulating!

    By Blogger kpjara, at 9:05 AM  

  • I am the mom of a volleyball-playing daughter (games 2 nights a week) and a trumpet-playing son (lessons one night a week) who both like to attend youth group at church (on 2 different nights a week). I sing in the band at church (rehearsal 1 night on weeks I sing) and I have a part-time job on Friday nights. I realized last night when I was emailing Julie about when we could get together for coffee that perhaps I need to slow things down until after volleyball season is over at the end of October.

    Please DO visit the blog. Even if I don't write except on weekends, I enjoy the company! :)

    By Blogger Chris, at 1:28 PM  

  • well, I will be sorry to see you not post.... but you must promise that if the Lord lays something on your heart that you will share it

    By Blogger dangermama, at 2:29 PM  

  • Oh my! That schedule is enough to tire me out just reading it! ;)

    Like Addie said, I hope you post if the Lord lays something on your heart!

    By Blogger Pilot Mom, at 4:29 PM  

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