Christian Chapter Chat



This whole chapter asks the question: Why do we try to satisfy our longing for 'the mysterious, the spiritual, the eternal, transcendence, a real relationship with the almighty" with things that can never satisfy...that can never fill that hunger? The author almosts asks this as a rhetorical question...he doesn't seem to answer his own question. Or does he?

Maybe his poem at the end has the answer to that question.
"I need new eyes...eyes that can see in the dark. And through the dark to you"
Spiritual darkness. Blindness.
Why would we rather believe a lie and live an the Word of God so hard to swallow? The darkness of our hearts becomes clearer as we see how hard it is to grasp the truth and how it is even harder to live it really live like our greatest need can be met only in Jesus. After healing a blind man, Jesus said, "I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind" John 9:39 (NLT) It's so easy to think we see when in reality we are blind. And we need to know we are blind before we begin to seek the Healer.

It is interesting that two verses later, Jesus says that the blindness doesn't make us guilty. We're guilty when we claim to see when we're blind. (vs.41) And meanwhile chains bind us as we try to fill our lives with ...something. It's no wonder that we are 'addicted' to such a wide variety of passions...trapped.

Not only do we need to fill our 'starving souls' in Christ but we need Him to pierce our blind darkness so we can 'see' where the dining table is.


  • "Why would we rather believe a lie and live an the Word of God so hard to swallow?"

    I think for some it really is. My pastor said something in a message a few weeks back that really struck me. He said, "Many of you here are seeking after God - you have not crossed the line of faith yet. And that's okay...nothing wrong with that. But you should know that once you find it - once you realize the truth of the situation, everything in your life can change...everything."

    He's not kidding. And for many people they aren't willing to give it all up. I know I fell into that catagory for a very long time. How am I going to be a Christian and have fun at the same time? For some, I think it IS too hard to swallow. There aren't many of us who are open to letting God take the controls back and rearrange our entire existence.

    Great post!

    By Blogger HeyJules, at 8:01 AM  

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