Christian Chapter Chat


Just to let you all know

that I haven't forgotten about posting my thoughts and comments.

My wife Kriss has been away with her job down in Glasgow and I've been preparing for a job interview, which took place this morning. So, with one thing and another, although I have read the intro & opening chapter, I've not really had a clear unhurried time to be able to post.

I will, however, post tomorrow, Thursday.

I am now off back to my current job.

Just a couple of things though - I have always had a problem attributing human attributes to God and I'm not into the type of poetry that is in the book.


  • Not a problem, Dave. Skip the poems and write all you want about not liking parts of the book. That's what we're all here for!

    By Blogger HeyJules, at 8:26 AM  

  • Dave, I think there a few who struggle with the poetry parts. That's okay. We'll look forward to reading your thoughts tomorrow. :)

    By Blogger Pilot Mom, at 10:39 AM  

  • yes, glad to hear that you are ok... look forward to reading your thoughts

    By Blogger dangermama, at 1:11 PM  

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