An Incredible Moment at Nain (Luke 7:11-17)
After our warm spring like weather I could really relate to Gire's description of Nain in the springtime. I could almost make myself believe I was smelling the blossoms of the fruit trees. Then I read "But in the valley of this widow's heart, it is the dead of winter." Having only one son myself, I could relate to the death part. I couldn't relate to not having anyone around to come along side of her for I have a sister and brother-in-law, my niece and her family and my nephew and his wife. Besides the family I have Christian family where I live that would come along side me during a time like this. I know, because they already have. Twice.
The Lord saw her and felt compassion for her and told her not to weep. I wonder when he looked at this poor woman did He think ahead to the Cross where His own mother would be? At that time, I don't believe His siblings were believers (I may be wrong) and in many ways, if that is true, His own mother would be alone. Except He still exhibited compassion, even during such a difficult time by telling John to take care of His mother.
It really struck me as I read the biblical account and Gire's account of the two crowds coming from opposite directions converging together on the road. It was so very clear that Death was meeting Life face to face. What a picture of the world's sin. Like the widow, people are preoccupied with whatever is absorbing their time. In the instance of the widow it was the death of her son. In people today they are involved with their jobs, or relationships gone sour, or their home life, not realizing that they carry the stench of death all around them. They are "living" a life without hope until they come face to face with the Giver of Life. There isn't anything anyone can do to rectify the situation except that God, rich in His mercy, grace and compassion reaches out and touches a person here, another person over there, several in that group and before they know it, for the first time in their life, they are alive! Truly alive!
Can you hear the son when he begins to speak? Can you visualize his mother's face? What joy must have coursed through her! Unspeakable joy!
Again, I ask Him for eyes to view people as He sees people. May my heart be filled to overflowing with compassion for the people I come in contact with. May I not withhold a touch, or a soft word when needed. And, please, may I quit expecting Christian behavior out of non-Christian people!! Let me show Christ's love to everyone I meet.
The Lord saw her and felt compassion for her and told her not to weep. I wonder when he looked at this poor woman did He think ahead to the Cross where His own mother would be? At that time, I don't believe His siblings were believers (I may be wrong) and in many ways, if that is true, His own mother would be alone. Except He still exhibited compassion, even during such a difficult time by telling John to take care of His mother.
It really struck me as I read the biblical account and Gire's account of the two crowds coming from opposite directions converging together on the road. It was so very clear that Death was meeting Life face to face. What a picture of the world's sin. Like the widow, people are preoccupied with whatever is absorbing their time. In the instance of the widow it was the death of her son. In people today they are involved with their jobs, or relationships gone sour, or their home life, not realizing that they carry the stench of death all around them. They are "living" a life without hope until they come face to face with the Giver of Life. There isn't anything anyone can do to rectify the situation except that God, rich in His mercy, grace and compassion reaches out and touches a person here, another person over there, several in that group and before they know it, for the first time in their life, they are alive! Truly alive!
Can you hear the son when he begins to speak? Can you visualize his mother's face? What joy must have coursed through her! Unspeakable joy!
Again, I ask Him for eyes to view people as He sees people. May my heart be filled to overflowing with compassion for the people I come in contact with. May I not withhold a touch, or a soft word when needed. And, please, may I quit expecting Christian behavior out of non-Christian people!! Let me show Christ's love to everyone I meet.
"It was so very clear that Death was meeting Life face to face."
Claire, that line you wrote really jumped out at me! It made me flash back to my conversion experience and for the first time I realized that was what was happening right there in my own dining room. My death was meeting my life head on.
Now how cool is that! Mercy!!!
HeyJules, at 9:48 AM
I also liked that line - I think your description adds alot to Gire's description and helps make a bigger picture
dangermama, at 10:02 AM
I can relate to your prayer to quit expecting Christian behavior out of non-Christian people... what always gets to me is when non-Christians behave more like Christians than I do. Then I have to stop and realize I have no monopoly on kindness or compassion. And I agree that "Death meeting Life face to face" added another whole dimension to this meditation.
Claire Joy, at 10:10 AM
Thanks ladies! Like I said, as I read I could see Christ who is Life Himself meeting Death.
Like you Addie, I thought of Mary and what she would be experiencing....
Jules, your 'death' was meeting Christ head on! :) I'm so glad it did! Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you!
Pilot Mom, at 10:44 AM
CJ - Then I have to stop and realize I have no monopoly on kindness or compassion - that is absolutely a perfect description of how I often feel....
dangermama, at 10:50 AM
I'm with you all - it IS hard to not expect Christian behavior from non-Christians but it is just as hard for me to remember to exhibit that same behavior 24/7. It's so easy when you're well rested and not in a hurry - it's so hard when you're running late and running on empty!
HeyJules, at 10:59 AM
Too true, Jules.
And, it happens so fact, a good analogy is this week for me. I've been going to bed at 3:30 or 4 am and getting up at around 7 or 7:30 am. Well, yesterday morning when I got out of the shower and began doing my hair, I pinched a nerve in a my right shoulder blade area. Just like that...too fast. Because I know my body was just too tired to act the way it would have when it was rested. How often do we REACT to a situation rather than RESPOND to a situation because we are in a hurry, or are tired and cranky or ...whatever.
Pilot Mom, at 11:12 AM
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