Christian Chapter Chat



I liked this chapter. I love how Jesus was a friend to Judas right to the end. I feel so sorry that Judas never truly realized who Jesus is - that he took his own life still trying to handle things his own way. Isn't that what our society tells us to do - handle things on our own? Be independent. Be strong. Don't need anyone. Don't trust anyone. And isn't the result the same in the end? A pointless end. Hopeless. Lost.

If only Judas would have stayed around to see the rest of the story unfold,
he might have seen his friend once again.


  • Handle things on your strong...

    That's how I was taught to grow up. Man, am I glad that's not how I live now! It's so hard and so much more painful trying to go it alone, isn't it?

    What a waste of energy and time!

    By Blogger HeyJules, at 8:02 AM  

  • Exactly!

    By Blogger Andrea, at 12:02 PM  

  • What a pic of Christ's faithfulness! We should really hang on to that visual for this very reason...faithfulness!

    By Blogger Pilot Mom, at 5:56 PM  

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