His Tree
Well thanks to Jules who let me borrow her book for a bit until mine arrives from Amazon!
This is the first book I've ever read by Ken Gire though I've heard lots of good stuff about him.
My first thought as I read this was how our Sr. pastor, Rick, discussed this idea of Jesus' family tree in a sermon not too terribly long ago. He talked about how unusual it was to see the women's names in there which was not customary at the time and how it was interesting that there were several "sinners" in the tree.
I thought about myself and how far I am from where I want to be and yet God still works in and through me.
These were my initial thoughts but as the day went on and even this morning, I find myself focusing more on the last part of Gire's prayer. The part about seasons of our lives. I think about how most of my spiritual growth has come in difficult times, in the fall and winter of my life. Hard times. Times when I was broken and forced to depend on God.
I realize that far too often I'm like a kid wearing shorts in November's windy and chilly weather hoping to hang on to summer. So often, I'm scared and afraid of what the hard times will bring and yet I know they always equal times of stronger dependence on God, more awareness of just how much my Lord Jesus Christ has done for me, and just how far I fall short of God's glory.
It is in these seasons, when I stop trying to pretend I have it all together and that I can make my life work. I stop trying to be everyone's personal savior and I entrust them to God and what He wants to do in their lives. It's at times like these that I realize I have NOTHING to boast about except for what God in His amazing grace has done in and through me. For He is God and I am not. So as scary as it is to say, "God have your way in me. Good and bad and ugly. Whatever today brings, whatever season I find myself in, let me stay firmly rooted in you. You are my root, my foundation, apart from You I can do nothing."AMEN!
This is the first book I've ever read by Ken Gire though I've heard lots of good stuff about him.
My first thought as I read this was how our Sr. pastor, Rick, discussed this idea of Jesus' family tree in a sermon not too terribly long ago. He talked about how unusual it was to see the women's names in there which was not customary at the time and how it was interesting that there were several "sinners" in the tree.
I thought about myself and how far I am from where I want to be and yet God still works in and through me.
These were my initial thoughts but as the day went on and even this morning, I find myself focusing more on the last part of Gire's prayer. The part about seasons of our lives. I think about how most of my spiritual growth has come in difficult times, in the fall and winter of my life. Hard times. Times when I was broken and forced to depend on God.
I realize that far too often I'm like a kid wearing shorts in November's windy and chilly weather hoping to hang on to summer. So often, I'm scared and afraid of what the hard times will bring and yet I know they always equal times of stronger dependence on God, more awareness of just how much my Lord Jesus Christ has done for me, and just how far I fall short of God's glory.
It is in these seasons, when I stop trying to pretend I have it all together and that I can make my life work. I stop trying to be everyone's personal savior and I entrust them to God and what He wants to do in their lives. It's at times like these that I realize I have NOTHING to boast about except for what God in His amazing grace has done in and through me. For He is God and I am not. So as scary as it is to say, "God have your way in me. Good and bad and ugly. Whatever today brings, whatever season I find myself in, let me stay firmly rooted in you. You are my root, my foundation, apart from You I can do nothing."AMEN!
Wow Shannon...you were BORN to blog, girl! Welcome aboard. : )
That part of the prayer got to me, too. I like the analogy of the ying/yang symbol from the Buddhist culture, too. It's half black / half white and it shows that when we are down in the dark part, the light part is right around the corner. Life is always changing and so you can count on the fact that bad times WILL become good again if given enough patience and prayer.
HeyJules, at 11:34 AM
good post... it made me think of a piece of advice that someone gave me when I was feeling down at one time...
sheep get their nourishment in the valley, not on the mountaintop... meaning, that we learn the most and grow closest to God in the hard times, and so we can appreciate Him more in the good times
dangermama, at 2:42 PM
Addie, I love that saying!
HeyJules, at 4:14 PM
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